Girl Talk is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization(EIN: 47-5334989), and all charitable contributions are tax-deductible. Contributions are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.

Help us build a sisterhood of self-worth for every woman struggling to understand her dignity. Your donation will forward our mission by supporting our programs designed for women of all ages. 

Join our monthly giving program, the Girl Talk Community! We invite you to contribute the amount that works for you. Come meet your fellow community members who are interested in sustaining a sisterhood of self-worth and attending regular happy hour and coffeehouse events, designed just for you!

Join our special cohort of annual contributors. We invite you to make the greatest impact on our Girl Talk sisters by contributing $1,000+ each year to our critical mission. Your generous gift will allow us to re-write the narrative of women experiencing the crisis of self-worth, helping them to know:
You are enough. You are worthy. You are loved.

Checks can be made out to “Girl Talk Foundation, Inc.” and mailed to the following address:

Girl Talk c/o Julie Larkin
1506 West Polk Street 2R
Chicago, IL 60607

Thank you for helping our girls to recognize and radiate their self-worth.

Girl Talk is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax ID #: 47-5334989

Contributions are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.

  • “Girl Talk helped me with self worth, being more confident in myself, and how to handle everyday things.”

    -Maura, High School Freshman

  • “Your honesty, vulnerability, and approachability have been a great gift to the school. In true Girl Talk fashion, your visit has opened the door to communication and provided a common language with our girls.”

    Lisa Dennehy, Assistant head of school, Holy Family Academy

  • " I found it incredible to have three very different women being vulnerable and super real with us. I also adored how each of the speakers brought something to the table that was entirely THEM and THEIR specialty- for instance, the photography activity! How many people could have pulled that off? Not many! But they all used the gifts that God had given them to shine their own unique light. It was beautiful."

    Olivia, High School Senior

  • “My biggest takeaway from Girl Talk was learning how to embrace and love my own story.”

    Annie, 7th Grade Student